28 August 2015
Amendment to Arbitration Law
20 August 2015
ST Clarification on Section 73,76 & 78
All Chief Commissioners of Central Excise/ Service Tax
Principal Directors General of Goods & Services Tax/ Systems/Central Excise Intelligence
Director General of Audit
All Principal Commissioners of Central Excise/Service Tax
All Commissioners of Central Excise/Service Tax
All Principal Commissioners/Commissioners LTU
Joint Secretary TRU-1/TRU-II/Review
Commissioner Central Excise/ Service Tax/Legal/PAC
Under Secretary (Service Tax)
19 August 2015
RBI grants in-principle approval to 11 applicants for payment banks.
1. Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited
2. Airtel M Commerce Services Limited
3. Cholamandalam Distribution Services Limited
4. Department of Posts
5. Fino PayTech Limited
6. National Securities Depository Limited
7. Reliance Industries Limited
8. Shri Dilip Shantilal Shanghvi
9. Shri Vijay Shekhar Sharma
10.Tech Mahindra Limited
11.Vodafone m-pesa Limited
Do's of payments banks:
* Has to use the word ‘Payments Bank’ in its name to differentiate from other banks
* Accept demand deposits, i.e., current deposits, and savings bank deposits from individuals, small businesses and other entities
* To hold a maximum balance of Rs one lakh per individual customer.
* Will be allowed to set up branches, ATMs, BCs
* Allowed to issue debit cards also offer internet banking
* Can accept a large pool of money to be remitted but at the end of the day the balance should not exceed Rs one lakh
* Can accept remittances to be sent to or receive remittances from multiple banks
* Permitted to handle cross border remittance transactions in the nature of personal payments / remittances on the current account
* Allowed to distribute mutual fund products, insurance products and pension products
* Bank can also undertake utility bill payments
- Don'ts of payments banks:
* No NRI deposits should be accepted
* Cannot issue credit card
* Not allowed to set up subsidiaries to undertake non-banking financial services activities
* Other financial and non-financial services activities of the promoters should not be mingled with the working of payment banks
CBDT Notification On Computation Of Period Of Stay In India U/s 6(1)
17 August 2015
Approval and exemption u/s 10(23c)vi
Circular no 14 has been issued by CBDT today pertaining to approval and exemption u/s 10(23c)vi of I.T Act, 1961
13 August 2015
ICAI Election 2015
For Attention of the Prospective Candidates and Members at large
Sub: Election - 2015 - Draft List of Voters as on 1.4.2015 - Views/Suggestions on proposed Polling Booths
II. The members whose professional addresses are falling within the cities/towns shown in the List of proposed Polling Booths would be eligible to vote by poll at the polling centre shown in the List. This list also contains the cities/towns attached with the Polling Centres and members in such cities would be required to visit the polling centre for voting. The members residing in the cities/towns not shown in the List of Proposed Polling Booths would be entitled to vote by post. The list of such cities/towns has also been given separately. The cities/towns attached with the proposed Polling Booths are the cities/towns which are within a distance of 50 kilometres from the respective Polling Centres. The List of proposed Polling Booths and cities/towns attached with Polling Centres and List of cities/towns not attached with any of the Polling Booths of the respective region have been hosted on the website of the Institute separately. The Link to reach the same is as under:-
- Western India Regional Constituency - Draft List of Voters
- Southern India Regional Constituency - Draft List of Voters
- Eastern India Regional Constituency - Draft List of Voters
- Central India Regional Constituency - Draft List of Voters
- Northern India Regional Constituency - Draft List of Voters
Views/suggestions/comments of the prospective candidates and members at large are invited latest by 21st August, 2015 in respect of the following:-
(ii) Whether any new polling booth/s can be set up out of the cities/towns shown in the list at (ii) above or taking one or more cities from List at (i) and one or more cities from the list at (ii) above specially in cities having 15 or more members
(iii) Whether it is possible to attach any of the cities mentioned in the list at (ii) above with any of the polling booths proposed as per list at (i) above.
Secretary and Returning Officer
12 August 2015
CBDT Circular on IT Staff
CBDT Hauls Up Officers & Staff For Leaving Early, Coming Late & Harassing Taxpayers
The CBDT has issued a stern Office Memorandum dated 07.08.2015 stating that officers/staff of the income Tax Department are leaving their stations/headquarters early on Fridays, during weekend and holidays and joining their duties late on next working day. It is further stated that many a times no permission is being taken from the superior controlling authorities before leaving location/headquarters as required under the rules. It is stated that apart from disturbing decorum and office discipline, this practise of leaving stations/headquarters by the officers /staff without prior permission and not observing the office timings, is causing inconvenience to the taxpayers and members of public who visit income tax offices in connection with their tax matters either by prior appointment or otherwise. This has been viewed adversely by the Chairperson, CBDT. The CBDT has warned that failure to obtain permission of competent authority before leaving station/headquarters is to be viewed seriously and may entail disciplinary action. It is also stated that Article 56 of the Civil Service Regulations also provides that no officer is entitled to pay and allowance for any time he may spend beyond the limits of his charge without authority09 August 2015
Placement Scheme for selection of Articled Assistants by CA Firms
The Board of Studies of the institute has great pleasure in introducing an optional Articles Placement Scheme for selection of Articled Assistants by CA Firms. The scheme has been evolved to provide an opportunity to the firms of Chartered Accountants having vacancies for Articled Assistants to interact with the candidates who have either (a) Passed Group-I or both Groups of the IPCC examination , or (b) have been admitted under the Direct Entry Scheme and are eligible for undergoing articled training for selection as articled assistants in the C A Firms. This scheme at the same time, assists eligible students to get placement in CA Firms for their articles training.
No Fee is to be Charged From the Participating CA Firms and Students registering on the Portal.
04 August 2015
RBI Credit Policy (04 July 2015)
RBI Credit Policy (04 July 2015): RBI keeps rate unchanged with Repo Rate at 7.25%; Reverse Repo Rate stands at 6.25%; CRR unchanged at 4%. Estimated GDP growth for FY16 @7.60%.
03 August 2015
Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2015-16.
ICAI Announcement (03-08-2015)
Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2015-16.
This is to inform that Multipurpose Empanelment Form (MEF) for the year 2015-16 has been made live at www.meficai.org. The Members/firms can apply the form showing the status as on 1st January 2015. After filling the form, they are required to generate an online Declaration and Acknowledgment letter. They are also required to submit hard copy of Declaration in support of their online application along with a print out of the acknowledgment letter generated online. The application which does not have Declaration would not be entertained as a valid application.
Last date for submission of online form is 31st August, 2015 and last date of submission of hard copy of "DECLARATION FOR MEF 2015-16" is 15th September, 2015.
It is suggested that before going directly to the MEF form, applicant should first go through the link http://www.meficai.org/Advisory_2015.pdf "Points which shall be carefully read and be taken care for MEF 2015-16".
30 July 2015
New ITR Forms 3,4,5,6 & 7 Notified
Income-tax NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 29th day of July, 2015
S.O. 2070 (E).─
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 295 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Income-tax Rules, 1962, namely:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the Income-tax (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 1st day of April, 2015.
2. In the Income-tax Rules, 1962, in Appendix-II, for FORM ITR-3, FORM ITR-4, FORM ITR-5, FORM ITR-6 and FORM ITR-7, the following FORMS shall respectively be substituted, namely:-
Form No.:ITR-3
[For Individuals/HUFs being partners in firms and not carrying out business or profession under any proprietorship (Please see rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962
Form No.:ITR-4 PDF
For Individual having income from business and Profession
Form No.:ITR-5
[For persons other than,- (i) individual, (ii) HUF, (iii) company and (iv) person filing Form ITR-7(Please see Rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962 Is there any change in the name
Form No.:ITR-6
[For Companies other than companies claiming exemption (Please see rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962 Is there any change in the company’s name If yes, please furnish the old name
Form No.:ITR-7
[For persons including companies required to furnish return under sections 139(4A) or 139(4B) or 139(4C) or 139(4D) or 139(4E (Please see rule 12 of the Income-tax Rules,1962
Form No.:Acknowledgement ITR-V
[Notification No.61/2015, F.No.142/1/2015-TPL] (Gaurav Kanaujia) Director to the Government of India Note.- The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) vide notification number S.O.969(E), dated the 26th March, 1962 and last amended vide notification number S.O.1683 (E), dated 24.06.2015.
CBDT extends due date of filing wealth-tax return
CBDT extends due date of filing wealth-tax return from July 31, 2015 to Aug. 31, 2015
24 July 2015
Excise Notifications
GST Report of Rajya Sabha Panel
Band for GST-rates
The Bill empowered GST Council to make recommendations for the rates of goods and service tax including floor rates with bands. The Committee recommended that the word 'band' may be defined in GST laws as following:
"Band": Range of GST rates over the floor rate within which Central Goods and Service Tax (CGST) or State Goods and Service Tax (SGST) may be levied on any specified goods or services or any specified class of gods or services by the Central or a particular State Government as the case may be.
In its report, The Committee mentioned that it was aware that while discharging the functions conferred upon the GST Council, it would be guided by the need for a harmonized structure of goods and services tax and for the development of a harmonized national market for goods and services.
It can be said that while construing above definition of 'Band' one has to ensure that harmonized structure of GST-rates must not be altered.
Voting pattern
The Committee found no merit in altering the voting pattern proposed in the Bill.
Dispute Settlement Authority
It also didn't recommend inclusion of provision for GST Dispute Settlement Authority having noted that GST Council shall decide only the 'modalities' to resolve disputes.
Definition of 'Supply'
The Bill proposed definition of 'goods and services tax' to mean any tax on supply of goods, or services or both. The Committee opined that the term 'supply' would be defined in the various GST laws relating to CGST and SGST, therefore, it would not be appropriate to define the term 'supply' in the Bill.
Definition of 'services'
The Bill proposed to define 'services' to mean anything other than goods. The Committee felt that term 'services' had been so defined in order to give it wide amplitude so that all supplies that are not goods can broadly be covered within the ambit of services and no activity remains outside the taxable net. It also opined that this would also minimize disputes. In view of the above, it proposed no change in the definition.
Additional Goods and Services Tax
The Bill proposed to levy non-Cenvatable additional tax at 1% on inter-State supply of goods. The Committee felt that the provision of 1% additional tax in its present form was likely to lead to cascading effect of taxes. Therefore, it strongly recommended that following Explanation should be added for word 'supply':
Supply: "All forms of supply made for a consideration."
Compensation to States
The Bill proposed that the Parliament 'may' compensate States for loss of revenue for a period which may be extended to five years. The Committee felt that there was no justification for substitution of the word 'may' with 'shall'. It, however, recommended that compensation should be provided for whole period of five years.
(Source: Taxmann)
Cost inflation index for 2015-16 is 1081.
Notified on 24-07-2015.
22 July 2015
With a view to contain the tendering system for attest functions, the Council at its special (338th) meeting considered the report of the Group constituted under the convenorship of CA. Tarun Jamnadas Ghia, Member, Central Council and decided as under:
1. Tendering has been prohibited in the exclusive areas of practice of chartered accountants like audit and attestation services. i.e. those areas where the assignments can be performed only by chartered accountants. In those areas, where alongwith chartered accountants, the other professionals can also apply for the tender, there is no restriction for the chartered accountants to respond to the tenders floated by authorities from time to time.
2. Members are advised to adhere to the recommended scale of fees prescribed by ICAI in the context of various professional assignments. To ensure such adherence, a member responding to a tender should be required to furnish to ICAI at the designated e-mail address pdc.tender@icai.in with estimated hours to be devoted by the partner/proprietor, paid CAs, other staff and the fees quoted in the tender. Such details will be furnished by the member within a period of fifteen days of his responding to the tender. If the member is successful in securing the tendered assignment, then the member will also furnish the actual hours devoted by the partner/proprietor, paid CAs and the staff within two months of completion of the assignment.
3. Members are required to maintain cost sheet in the given format while submitting any tender/bid. The format of the same can be viewed at
4. Members are required to maintain the cost sheet compulsorily and submit a soft copy of the bid submitted by them in response to any tender within 15 days to ICAI. The office can check whether recommended scale of fees has been followed or not in those bids, to ensure adherence to quality standards.
- CBDT releases Java Utility for e-filing Form 6 to declare black money
FYI - CBDT releases Java Utility for e-filing Form 6 to declare black money
The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 ('Black Money Act') has been enforced from July 1, 2015.
The Black Money Act provides for 30% tax on the value of undisclosed foreign income or assets and a penalty of three times of tax so computed. It further provides for prosecution up to 10 years in case of willful attempt to evade tax on foreign income or assets held outside India.
However, the Black Money Act allows one-time compliance window for the taxpayers to voluntarily disclose undisclosed foreign income or assets. The declaration can be made by September 30, 2015. Any person availing of benefit of compliance window is required to pay tax at the rate of 30% of value of undisclosed foreign income or asset and a penalty of 100% of tax. Such taxes and penalty are required to be paid by the declarant on or before December 31, 2015.
The Government has notified Form 6 to make declaration of undisclosed foreign income or asset under the compliance window. The taxpayer has an option to file the declaration either manually to CIT, Delhi or e-file it using the digital signature.
Therefore, for the purposes of e-filing of Form 6, the Board has released the Java utility. The taxpayer can now fill up Form 6 by downloading the Java utility from e-filing website.
After filling the relevant information in Form 6 through Java Utility, the taxpayer needs to generate the .xml file and submit it under e-filing option available after login at https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in. Declarant needs to attach relevant scanned documents (i.e., scanned copy of valuation report or FMV computation) in PDF or ZIP format along with XML file. The size of PDF/ZIP documents should not exceed 50MB.
Forwarded from whatsapp as received !!
21 July 2015
Multipurpose Empanelment Form 2015-16 hosted
Members can view the Application and can Edit the Application in different stages.
However after submission of the application form members will not be able to edit the application. They would be able to view the details submitted through the Application Form and take print out of declaration/ acknowledgement and of the whole application form.
Last date for submission of applications on the website www.meficai.org is 31st August, 2015
20 July 2015
Validity of Sec 234E
G. Indhirani vs. DCIT (ITAT Chennai)
S. 234E: Prior to the amendment to s. 200A w.e.f. 01.06.2015, the fee for default in filing TDS statements cannot be recovered from the assessee-deductor while processing the s. 200A statement. However, the AO is entitled to pass a separate order u/s 234E to levy the fee within the limitation periodThe Assessing Officer has exceeded his jurisdiction in levying fee under Section 234E while processing the statement and make adjustment under Section 200A of the Act. Therefore, the impugned intimation of the lower authorities levying fee under Section 234E of the Act cannot be sustained in law. However, it is made clear that it is open to the Assessing Officer to pass a separate order under Section 234E of the Act levying fee provided the limitation for such a levy has not expired
17 July 2015
New Guidelines on Concurrent Audit of Banks
RBI Issues New Guidelines on Concurrent Auditing at Branches
The Reserve Bank on Thursday said the concurrent audit at bank branches should cover at least half of their advances and deposits.
The concurrent audit system is regarded as part of a bank's early warning system to ensure timely detection of irregularities and lapses.
"Concurrent audit at branches should cover at least 50 per cent of the advances and 50 per cent of deposits of a bank," RBI said in a notification.
It said branches rated as high risk or above in the last risk-based internal audit (RBIA) or serious deficiencies found in internal audit are subject to concurrent audit.
The audit will also be applicable on all specialized branches like large corporate, mid corporate, exceptionally large/very large branches, SMEs and all centralised processing units like loan processing units (LPUs).
Besides, it would include service branches, centralized account opening divisions, wealth and portfolio management services, card products divisions, data centres and treasury/ foreign exchange business, investment banking, among others.
The concurrent audit also helps in preventing fraudulent transactions at branches.
The main role of concurrent audit is to supplement the efforts of the bank in carrying out simultaneous internal check of the transactions and other verifications and compliance with the procedures laid down, the RBI said.
The scope of concurrent audit should be wide enough or focused to cover certain fraud-prone areas such as handling of cash, deposits, advances, foreign exchange business, off-balance sheet items, credit-card business, Internet banking, it added.
The regulator said appointment of an external audit firm for concurrent audit may be initially for one year and extended up to three years, after which an auditor could be shifted to another branch, subject to satisfactory performance.
Empanelment of Concurrent Auditors
Empanelment of Concurrent Auditors / Revenue Auditors for Bank of Maharashtra. BANK OF MAHARASHTRA invites applications from practicing firm...
Gentlemen: AmtInWords.xla is attached to this mail. It is an MS Excel Add-in written by me to convert amount available in figures to words. ...
After the ICAI regional council and central council elections , there is an anxious waiting period for resul...
Drafts of tax accounting standard on construction contracts, government grants issued The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has invited c...